
São Paulo, SP - Brazil

I am a software craftsman with a burning desire to produce high-quality work. As a programmer, it is my job to solve problems, and more often than not, the solutions are not immediately obvious. The process of debugging ultimately helped foster the growth of my attention to detail and critical thinking abilities.


Software Engineer


Currently, I'm working at Uber as a Software Engineer. I'm part of the Uber Financial team, where I'm responsible for developing and maintaining a range of financial products.

October 2024 - Present

Software Engineer

Mercado Livre

I was part of the fraud prevention team at Mercado Livre, serving as a Software Engineer. I was responsible for significantly contributing to the design and implementation of a range of credit products within the fraud prevention ecosystem, utilizing advanced skills in Golang and Java.

My contributions were crucial to the development of innovative solutions that have resulted in a monthly saving of millions of dollars for the company, while also enhancing user experience, ensuring safer and more efficient transactions.

Furthermore, I interacted with various types of databases and messaging services, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to ensure the effectiveness and reliability of the implemented systems.

April 2023 - October 2024

Software Engineer


Consistent experience as a Software Engineer in a challenging and dynamic environment within a global-scale credit card issuer/processor. Responsible for actively contributing to the development and maintenance of a resilient and highly scalable system, processing over $10 billion in transactions annually.

Successfully conceived and implemented an innovative project introducing a new payment method, significantly optimizing user experience.

January 2022 - April 2023

Fullstack Developer


I actively contributed as a Software Developer in a dynamic logistics startup, playing a key role in the successful design and implementation of an innovative system from scratch, which quickly attracted thousands of users within weeks.

Utilizing a variety of cutting-edge technologies, including Java 11, Spring MVC, Spring WebFlux, Golang, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, MongoDB, SQS, and SNS, I played an integral role in developing the robust and highly scalable backend that powered our platform. Additionally, I worked with CI/CD tools such as CircleCI and Jenkins.

March 2021 - January 2022

Fullstack Developer

Gestão Inteligente Software

I played a significant role as an intern at a consulting firm specialized in on-demand software production for various clients. Responsible for a wide range of activities, from direct client interaction to project design and implementation, I made significant contributions to the company's revenue and reputation, ensuring the delivery of projects with quality and within the specified timeframe.

I was instrumental in the development of web applications using cutting-edge technologies such as PHP, Laravel, Vue.js, Bootstrap, and Tailwind, demonstrating strong skills in interface development and creating engaging user experiences. Additionally, I implemented integrations with renowned external services, including Mercado Pago Payments, Stripe Subscriptions, and Google Speech-Recognition, expanding the functional capabilities of the developed applications.

November 2020 - May 2021


Raphael Collin - Github Search

Github Search

A Web application developed in React/Typescript that allows users to search for Github Profiles and show them with an amazing User Experience.

Demo   Source Code
Raphael Collin - Weather App

Weather App

A Weather Application developed in Vue.js that allow users visualize weather information.

Demo   Source Code
Raphael Collin - Movie Library

Movie Library

A Web Application developed in ReactJS that allows users navigate throughout movies easily.

Demo   Source Code
Raphael Collin - Shortly


A Landing Page for URL Shortener developed in HTML, LESS and Vanilla JS.

Demo   Source Code


Languages & Tools
  •  Test-Driven-Development
  •  SOLID Principles
  •  Agile Development


Email: gcollin65@gmail.com

LinkedIn: Raphael Collin